余卫华,博士、教授,出生于20世纪60年代的湖北省大冶市。现任教于广东省广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院。1979~1993年在武汉大学学习、任教并获英语文学硕士学位。1998~2001年师从语言教育与跨文化研究方面的国际著名学者Michael Byram教授,在英国杜伦大学(University of Durham)教育学院攻读语言教育专业,获教育学博士学位。现从事的研究方向和兴趣为:跨文化研究与双语教育、比较教育学等。近年来,多次在国内外出版社和学术刊物发表学术著作和论文。
Concepts and Terms (Michael Byram)
Globalisation, Internationalisation and Post-modernism
Globalisation and Internationalism: Democratic Prospects for World Education (Phillip W. Jones)
Globalisation and Education in the Post-colonial World: Towards a Conceptual Framework (Leon Tikly)
Internationalisation and Globalisation: Rethinking a Curriculum of Communication (Gunther Kress)
Postmodernity, Cultural Pluralism and the Nation-state: Problems of Language Rights, Human Rights, Identity and Power (Naz Rassool)
Language, Society and Identity
Some Basic Concepts of Language Society and Identity (Edwards)
Educational Language Planning and Linguistic Identity (Peter Sutton)
Socialisation and Classification (Hendry J.)
National and Other Identities (Smith A.D.)
Ethnic Groups and Boundaries (Fredrik Barth)
The Stranger (Simmel)
Stereotype and Prejudice
The Nature of Prejudice (Allport)
Prejudice and Intergroup Conflict (James Vivian and Rupert Brown)
Intercultural Communication and Internation Education
Cross-cultural Adaptation: Axioms (Kim Y.Y.)
Toleration and Recognition: Education in a Multicultural Society (Susan Mendus)
Describing Intercultural Communication and the Intercultural Speaker (Michael Byram)
Culture Shock: Psychological Reactions to Unfamiliar Environments (Furnham & Bochner)
A Survey of Intercultural Communication Courses (Fantini)
Preparing Teachers for an Intercultural Context (Kenneth Cushner)
Intercultural Education at the University Level:Teacher-Student Interaction (Neal R.Goodman)
Human Rights and Intercultural Education (Micheline Rey)
Intercultural Understanding and Intercultural Competence
Becoming an Intercultural Mediator: A Longitudinal Study of Residence Abroad (Geof Alfred & Mike Byram)
Searching for the Intercultural Person (Phyllis Ryan)
Defining and Describing Intercultural Communicative Competence (Michael Byram)
For a Flexible Model of Intercultural Understanding (Lothar Bredella)
Tandem Learning as an Intercultural Activity (Jane Woodin)