Practice for Better Pronunciation(英语语音语调实训教程)
定 价:43.8 元
- 作者:袁利, 主编
- 出版时间:2019/7/1
- ISBN:9787564369903
- 出 版 社:西南交通大学出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.39
- 页码:
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16K
Section A English Phonemes
Unit 1 Front Vowels:Beat,Bit,Bet,Bat
1.1 Warming up
1.2 Making the four sounds
1.3 Learning for communication
Unit 2 Back Vowels:Too Good to Be True
2.1 Warming up
2.2 Making the five sounds
2.3 Learning for communication
Unit3 Central Vowels:Words Touch Her
3.1 Warming up
3.2 Making the three sounds
3.3 BE and AE accents in /3:/and/a
3.4 Learning for communication
Unit 4 Diphthongs:Time Waits for No Man
4.1 Warming up
4.2 Making these sounds
4.3 Pairs recognition
4.4 Learning for communication
Unit5 stops:Played the Guitar in the Pub
5.1 Warming up
5.2 Making these sounds
5.3 Different /p,b,t,d,k,g
5.4 Special/t
5.5 Learning for communication
Unit6 Fricatives: The Music of Brothers Four
6.1 Warming up
6.2 Making these sounds
6.3 Learning for communication
Unit7 Affricates: Chips and Orange Juice
7.1 Warming up
7.2 Making the two sounds
7.3 Learning for communication
Unit 8 Nasals and Lateral:Lovely Morning
8.1 Warming up
8.2 Making these sounds
8.3 Syllabic /n/ and
8.4 Learning for communication
Unit 9 Approximants:Will You Be There
9.1 Warming up
9.2 Making these sounds
9.3 Special /r
9.4 Learning for communication
Section B Connected and Communicative Speech
Unit 10 Consonant Cluster:Slip,Slide into Stream
10.1 Warming up
10.2 What is a consonant cluster
10.3 Consonant clusters in speech
10.4 Learning for communication
Unit 11 Syllables and Letters'Reading:One House,Two Houses
11.1 Warming up
11.2 What is the syllable
11.3 Types of English syllable
11.4 How to count syllables
11.5 Strong and weak syllables
11.6 Vowel letters'reading
11.7 Learning for communication
Unit 12 Word Stress:Saturday,September,Thirteen
12.1 Warming up
12.2 What is the stress
12.3 Identification of the word stress
12.4 Three features of the word stress
12.5 Word stress patterns
12.6 Learning for communication
Unit 13 Rules of Word Stress:My Checklist
13.1 Warming up
13.2 Words stress rules
13.3 Learning for communication
Unit 14 Stressed Words in the Sentence:That Is a Question
14.1 Warming up
14.2 What is the sentence stress
14.3 Basic rules for sentence stress
14.4 Clarifying the meaning of sentence stress
14.5 How to read descriptive phrases and set phrases
14.6 How to read phrasal verbs
14.7 Learning for communication
Unit 15 Stressed Function Words in the Sentence:It's Not Me
15.1 Warming up
15.2 Stressed function words
15.3 Unstressed content words
15.4 Lear