沈阳苇子沟白虎山旧石器地点发现的石器研究 付永平 陈全家 袁文明 (1)
内蒙古乌拉特后旗布尔汗山遗址和达拉盖沟遗址调查报告 西北大学文化遗产学院 内蒙古博物院 内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所 巴彦淖尔市考古研究所 乌拉特后旗文物管理所 (13)
新疆焉耆七个星佛寺遗址ⅣFD3发掘简报 西北大学文化遗产学院 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州文物局 新疆焉耆回族自治县文物局 (39)
新疆焉耆七个星佛寺遗址第Ⅰ发掘区发现一批遗物 西北大学文化遗产学院 新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州文物局 新疆焉耆回族自治县文物局 (61)
史前侧孔钺浅析 刘文强 (75)
岐山孔头沟遗址族属及相关问题 辛怡华 (88)
说“肆壶”与“田壶” 黄锦前 (99)
略论西周氏族的地名标志 张程昊 (106)
论襄阳王坡墓地春秋时期青铜器的个性特征和历史背景 郝晓晓 (119)
论战国铜器度量衡研究需要注意的问题——以三晋铜器为中心 杨坤 (128)
秦汉刑徒墓定名商榷 徐卫民 (138)
南海郡尉任嚣墓考辩 张强禄 (143)
丰都大湾墓群东汉时期墓葬分期研究 王颢 (155)
山东魏晋南北朝墓葬的文化因素辨析 付龙腾 (171)
唐长安名刹西明寺补正——兼论西明寺学派的特征及形成原因 冉万里 (183)
试论洛阳白居易宅院出土经幢的咒语版本 韩建华 (208)
吐鲁番唐墓的发现与研究 李佳胜 (227)
宋明时期西南地区关堡的军事考古学观察——以海龙囤遗址为中心 赵丛苍 张朝 (238)
墓地明堂位心研究 翟鹏飞 (245)
蜀道的两端——南北朝隋唐时期长安与蜀地的佛教艺术交流 于春 (266)
麦积山石窟螺髻像研究 杨文博 (287)
粟特人在西南地区的活动追踪 李瑞哲 (295)
中国大遗址价值认知体系的演变及展望 刘卫红 郭瑶 (309)
接受理论视域下考古遗址阐释研究——以汉长安城遗址为例 张兵圆 吴铮争 (319)
博物馆对地域文化的保护与传承路径探讨——以西北大学博物馆为例 王云龙 陈理娟 (328)
《西部考古》征稿启事 (335)
Archaeological investigation and excavation
Analysis of the Stone Artifacts from Paleolithic Locality at Baihushan Weizigou Shenyang City Fu Yongping, Chen Quanjia, Yuan Wenming (12)
Archaeological Survey at Buerhanshan Site and Dalagaigou Site in the Wulate Rear Banner of the Inner Mongolia School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Inner Mongolia Museum Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Bayannaoer Institute of Archaeology Wulate Rear Banner Bureau Institute of Cultural Relics (38)
The Excavation of the Site FD3 at Zone Ⅳ of the Shikchin Buddhist Temple in Yanqi, Xinjiang School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Xinjiang Provincial Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Cultural Relics Bureau Xinjiang Provincial Yanqi Hui Autonomous Prefecture Cultural Relics Bureau (59)
The Reliques of the Site at ZoneⅠof the Shikchin Buddhist Temple in Yanqi, Xinjiang School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University Xinjiang Provincial Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Cultural Relics Bureau Xinjiang Provincial Yanqi Hui Autonomous Prefecture Cultural Relics Bureau (74)
Prehistoric and archaeological study of Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasty
Analysis of Prehistoric Side Hole Ax Liu Wenqiang (87)
Discussion on the Ethnic Group of Kongtougou Site and Relative Questions Xin Yihua (97)
Discussions on“ Si pot” and“ Tian pot” Huang Jinqian (105)
Research on the Geographical Name Marks of Western Zhou Dynasty Clans Zhang Chenghao (118)
A Discussion on the Personality Traits and Historical Background of Bronzes from Tombs of the Spring and Autumn Period in Wangpo Cemetery in Xiangyang of Hubei Province Hao Xiaoxiao (126)
Research on the System of Weights and Measures in the Warring States Period—with the Focus on Sanjin Bronze Vessels Yang Kun (137)
Discussions Over the Naming of the Tombs of the Prisoners in Qin and Han Dynasties Xu Weimin (142)
A Discussion on Ren Xiao’s Tomb Zhang Qianglu (153)
Chronological Study on Fengdu Dawan Tombs of the Eastern Han Dynasty Wang Hao (170)
An Analysis on the Cultural Factors of Wei, Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties Tombs in Shandong Province Fu Longteng (182)
Supplementary Amendment to Ximing Temple, A Famous Buddhist Temple in Chang’an in the Tang Dynasty—On the Characteristics and Causes of the Ximing Temple School Ran Wanli (206)
The Study on the Mantra Version of Sutra Pillar Unearthed from Bai Juyi’s Residence at Lüdao Ward in the Tang Luoyang City Han Jianhua (225)
The Discoveries and Researches on the Tang Tombs in Turpan Li Jiasheng (237)
View the Castle from the Song to Ming Dynasty in Southwest China with Military Archaeology—Focus on Hailongtun Site Zhao Congcang, Zhang Zhao (244)
The Research of“ The Center of Mingtang” that Found in the Cemetery Zhai Pengfei (265)
Research on the Silk Road and Sino-foreign cultural exchanges
The Ends of Shu Road—Artistic Exchange of Buddhism between Chang’an and Shu in the Northern-Southern Dynasties and the Sui-Tang Dynasties Yu Chun (286)
Study on the Sculpture of the Spiral Bun in Maijishan Grottoes Yang Wenbo (293)
Study on Sogdian Activities in Southwest China Li Ruizhe (308)
Museum and heritage studies
The Evolution and Prospect of Complex Site’s Value Cognition System in China Liu Weihong, Guo Yao (318)
Research on Interpretation of Archaeological Site from the Perspective of Reception Theory—A Case Study of Chang’an City of Han Dynasty Zhang Bingyuan, Wu Zhengzheng (327)
Discussion on the Protection and Inheritance Path of Museums to Regional Culture—Take the Northwestern University Museum as An Example Wang Yunlong, Chen Lijuan (334)